Presbyopia Test

Submitted on March 27, 2012

A presbyopia test is conducted to confirm if a person is suffering from this condition. If the person shows symptoms of presbyopia, the presbyopia test is conducted so that effective treatment could begin at the earliest. The most common symptom is an inability to read small print on medication bottles or the newspaper. The person has to hold the papers or whatever they are trying to read at a distance to be able to see clearly. Those who are nearsighted may have to remove their glasses which are for seeing distant objects to read anything. The vision will be blurred if the person looks at distant objects after reading or looking at things which are close. The Presbyopia test is done by reading a card with alphabets and numbers in different sizes which is held about 14 to 16 inches away. During the presbyopia test different lenses are placed in front of the person’s eyes to determine the power of the glasses which they will require.

Presbyopia Vision Test

The eye doctor after doing a Presbyopia vision test would determine the corrective measures which have to be taken. Lenses to correct the vision will be prescribed. Lenses with a ‘plus” power will have to be worn according to the power required. The power will change every two years and the lenses will also have to be changed accordingly. After fifty years of age the changes are a lot less unless other old age problems occur.


Presbyopia test diagnosis is conducted by making the person read a chart which will be at a certain distance with a change in lenses which will help the doctor to determine the power of the lenses required and also to diagnose the cause of the vision problem. This can be done by a computerized testing machine or by putting drops to dilate the eyes and then test the eyes.

Presbyopia Test Aging

Farsightedness and Presbyopia are not the same. Presbyopia is the inability of the eyes to adjust to viewing objects at various distances and this happens gradually and is most often age related. The lens of the eye looses its elasticity with age and this is what causes the deterioration of accommodative power. Though this problem only worsens and can never improve it does not cause blindness. The problem starts as early as in the late thirties or even as late as in the fifties. Most people notice the changes when they are around forty years of age. Certain health condition like diabetes could hasten the onset of Presbyopia.

The person could go in for reading glasses, glasses to see distant objects or bifocals which are both in one lens. The reading glasses cannot be worn to see distant objects and vice versa. Progressive lenses can be used to see distant as well as close objects and also for reading.