Types, Reasons and Procedure For Conducting a Color Vision Test

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Color vision tests are done to check the various functions of the eye. Through these tests, the technologist deciphers the ability of your eye to see far and near, find out the defects or gaps in your vision, and check to see if you can decipher the various colors.

Types of Vision Tests

Visual Acuity Tests

These are common tests to check the eyesight of a person, and to check if the person can check far and near distances. In this test, the person is asked to read letters or look at symbols of various sizes. First, each eye is tested individually, and then both are tested together. The test is carried out with or without eye lenses. There are various types of visual acuity tests.

Refraction Test

This test is done to find out the refractive error and measure the need of corrective lenses. This test is done after the visual acuity test. Some of the refractive errors that can happen are farsightedness or nearsightedness.

Visual Field Tests

These tests are done to check the gaps in your peripheral vision. Your visual field is the area that you can see when you are looking at a single direction.

Color Vision Tests

These tests check to see if you can differentiate between colors. This test is helpful in checking people who might have color blindness or retinal or optic nerve disease. People with a family history of color blindness should also get this test done. This test is essential for screening people who have applied for jobs that require color perception.

Reasons Why a Color Vision Test is Conducted

  • You need to get visual acuity tests done in order to screen for vision problems. It is advisable to get these tests done at regular time periods. You must have this test done when you are between three to five; 20 to 29; twice between 30 to 39. After that too, you must have tests done once in a few years to check for vision problems.
  • Refraction tests are done to check if you need prescription glasses.
  • Visual field tests are done to check for vision loss in your vision field, screen for eye diseases and to find out if the nerves of the yes have been damaged.
  • Color vision tests are done as part of routine eye examinations and to diagnose color blindness.


Take along your contact lenses or eye glasses to the optician, if you already wear them. Also take along the eye prescription. If you have problems identifying colors, tell your optician before the test.