What is a Laparoscopy Procedure?

Submitted by Nic on November 12, 2012

A laparoscopic procedure, also known as band aid surgery, keyhole surgery, or minimally invasive surgery, is a procedure in which operations in the abdominal area are performed through one or more incisions that measure about 0.5 to 1.5 cm. During the laparoscopic procedure the doctor places plastic ports or tubes through these incisions. A video camera and instruments are then passed through these ports to the inside of the patient's abdominal region and the surgeon is able to view these areas and carry out the necessary diagnosis and operations.

Laparoscopic surgery could include operations in the pelvic or abdominal cavities. It is typically performed under general anesthesia, although some procedures can be done under local anesthetic agents. Once the patient is under anesthesia, the doctor places a urinary catheter in the patient's bladder to collect urine. Small incisions are made just below the patient's navel through which a trocar or cannula is inserted to allow the surgeon to insert the laparoscope. The doctor may make additional incisions to be able to insert additional laparoscopic instruments. During the laparoscopic procedure the patient's abdomen is also inflated with the help of carbon dioxide gas. The space created by the gas allows the surgeon to easily maneuver the instruments. Once the laparoscopic procedure is completed, the surgeon removes the cannula, laparoscope, and other instruments and sutures and bandages the incision.

The advantages of laparoscopy procedure as compared to conventional surgery are that there is reduced operative pain and also a lesser chance of wound infection. The time taken for a laparoscopic procedure is lesser as compared to regular surgery. Laparoscopy procedure recovery time is also shorter as compared to conventional surgery. The risks associated with laparoscopic surgery include complications caused by anesthesia, injury to organs, infection, and bleeding.

Doctors use diagnostic laparoscopy procedure for treating infertility in women. With the help of the laparoscopic procedure, they are able to determine if there are defects such as endometriosis, fibroid, scar tissues, and abnormalities of the ovaries uterus and fallopian tubes. If any abnormalities are found, they can, in some cases, be corrected with the help of operative laparoscopy.

Once the procedure is done the patient usually has to spend a couple of hours in the recovery room to make sure that effects of the anesthesia wear out and there are no complications. The patient may feel some soreness near the incision area. Most symptoms generally last for about one to three days. It is necessary that you speak to your doctor on issues such as preparation, after effects as also the laparoscopy procedure cost, if you are planning or have to go through the procedure.

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