Laparoscopy is a commonly used medical procedure in the diagnosis of a number of reproductive or abdominal medical problems. Also known as MIS or minimally invasive surgery, the procedure is primarily characterized by the use of a small incision in the abdominal area through which a number of medical instruments are inserted in order to carry out the surgical corrections. Through this small incision, usually measuring up to about 1.5 centimeters, an instrument known as a laparoscope is inserted. A laparoscope comes in two forms – one with a telescopic lens system that is connected to a video camera, or another type where the rod lens system is eliminated with the use of a charge coupled device which is placed at the end of the laparoscope. The instrument also has a cold light source attached to it in order to brighten up the visuals that are being sent to the external monitor that the presiding surgeon will look at when performing the laparoscopy procedure.
As far as Laparoscopy for infertility goes, the procedure is very regularly used in identifying defects such as endometriosis, fibroid tumors and scar tissues and can specifically help in diagnosing any problems with the fallopian tubes, the uterus and the ovaries. However, given the fact that Laparoscopy for infertility cost is rather high, it is not generally used as one of the first medical tests suggested to a patient. Laparoscopy for infertility treatment is generally used as a last option when it comes to diagnosing conditions within the reproductive system that could be the reason for the infertility. Laparoscopy for infertility treatment does not necessarily need to be a very extensive procedure, but because of the fact that the procedure does involve sedation and the use of anesthesia that should be administered with the help of an IV, it will require the patient to be admitted into a hospital for the procedure to be conducted.
Depending on how extensive the Laparoscopy for infertility treatment is, the procedure could take anywhere from 20 minutes to about 2 hours. Although the woman is usually discharged from the hospital in a couple of hours after the completion of the procedure, Laparoscopy for infertility recovery time can take up to a couple of days. It is therefore most often suggested that the patient take a couple of days off to allow her body to enjoy the relaxed environment required to recover properly. The primary risks involved with Laparoscopy is accidental surgical damage to the internal organs – which is why it is always important to make sure that you have the procedure performed by a highly recommended and skilled surgeon.