A dust allergy is an allergy to almost any and every allergen present in the atmosphere. Dust allergies are usually allergies to dust mites, dust particles, pollen, mold, dander and even chemicals in the atmosphere. Dust allergies are quite quick to show effects.
Dust can be formed as a result of anything and is rarely a reflection on cleaning abilities. Dust can be created by pets, furniture, location of living, plants in the house and many other seasonal factors. A fleck of dust can contain everything from human skin to pet dander to lint to other living organisms like bacteria and fungi and of course dust mites. Dust mites are one of the primary causes of dust allergy.
Dust mites are common in warm and humid climates and are found all over the house. Invisible to the naked eye, these mites live off dead skin of humans and animals. Dust mites are the most common cause for hay fever or allergic rhinitis along with triggering attacks of asthma in children. People who are allergic to pet dander will also react to dust that contains dander.
Usually if you have a cold or a runny nose through the year, it might be because you are actually allergic to something. There are different tests that are done to determine dust allergy but the best way is to slowly eliminate various factors from your life and watch for improvement in symptoms.
The symptoms of dust allergies in adults include sneezing, nasal irritation, coughing, stuffy nose and ear, difficulty in breathing, itchy throat and atopic dermatitis. There can even be more acute symptoms depending on the seasonality and whether the person is indoors. Sometimes the symptoms are aggravated when indoors and during spring and summer months. Dust allergies are also known as hay fever.
It becomes very difficult to control the incidence of dust in our lives especially those of dust mites. They exist everywhere and it becomes difficult to constantly clean as dust mites are present everywhere. Dust allergy symptoms in children are often due to dust mites and can be quite acute. Children will typically have allergy symptoms all through the year. Childrens bodies react to the proteins found in the dust mite, which are present in the feces and body of these mites. These symptoms can be worse in infants especially in infants who suffer from eczema. Eczema can get aggravated in case of dust allergies. If the reactions are getting worse it might be an indication that your childs bedding needs to be cleaned and disinfected.
The best dust allergy treatment is prevention of symptoms as far as possible.