Category Archives: Medical Tests
By Ashley | February 17, 2010

Norepinephrine Test The norepinephrine test is a test for catacholamines which measures the amount of norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamines produced by the nerve tissues and the inner part of the adrenal gland. Norepinephrine Test ...


By Ashley | February 17, 2010

Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Test (PTT) The Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Test which is generally called as the PTT test, is a test conducted in order to measure the ability of blood to clot under normal condition. It measures the ...


By Ashley | February 17, 2010

Helicobater Pylori Test Helicobater Pyroli is a type of bacteria that dwells in various parts of the stomach and duodenum (the upper region of the small intestine) of the infected person and is responsible for causing peptic ulcers. The bacteria is ...


By Ashley | February 11, 2010

A serum magnesium test is done in order to determine the levels of magnesium in your blood. Blood needs to be drawn from the veins in this test. The vein needs to be the one that is at the back of your hand or inside your elbow. The site is first ...


By Ashley | February 11, 2010

A visual contrast test is one that is used to measure the visual acuity during an eye exam. The test utilizes a special chart that is designed to test how well the eye functions in different types of lighting. The test also measures your ability to ...


By Ashley | February 11, 2010

Home Syphilis Test Syphilis is a type of infection caused by the bacteria Treponema Palladium. This is usually transferred through sexual contact. It can also be transferred by intravenous drug use, where drugs are injected directly into the vein, ...