A cystoscopy is an advanced form of medical diagnosis when it comes to dealing with conditions like the presence of polyps in the bladder, abnormal growths and strictures among a host of many other problems. In humans, the cystscopy is performed primarily by inserting a tube into the urethra through the penis in men and the vagina in women. In cats, tone should remember the fact that bladder and urethral diseases have more or less very similar symptoms like that of humans. Some of these symptoms would include a significant difficulty in urinating as well as a noticeable increase in the frequency of urination. Feline cystitis is a condition that is characterized by the inflammation of the urinary bladder of the animal and is also frequently referred to as Feline Urologic Syndrome. The only way to confirm the diagnosis of this condition is with the help of a cystoscopy. Any cat affected by cystitis will be treated as per the changes in the urine structure. This would include the types of crystals present along with the clinical signs as well as presence and interruption of urinary flow because of obstructions such as bladder stones. Despite the fact that a cystoscopy is one of the best and most accurate methods of diagnosis, it is invasive and does carry a substantial risk of complication. This is why the procedure is most often, not highly recommended. The problems faced when trying to treat the condition in cats is the fact that cats will show no obvious signs of distress during the period where the condition is still developing. The condition however is known to cause a substantial amount of pain. If we notice these symptoms creeping up while he condition is still not fully developed, the chances of better treatment are significantly higher.
As with humans, the procedure requires a medical aid known as a cystoscope to be inserted into the animal. This device is a thin, flexible steel shaft that has a light source and a very tiny camera at one end. This camera relays the images it captures from inside the animals body and sends them to a monitor present in the operating theater. On this monitor, the veterinarian would be able to identify the abnormalities present inside the animal's urethra and make an informed decision on the best method of treatment available. Given the fact that the entire procedure is rather painful, restraining the cat while it is being performed is essential
Submitted by M T on April 7, 2010 at 10:26