Sperm Check Fertility Test

Submitted by Nic on October 16, 2012

One of the principal reasons of infertility, preventing couples from conceiving, is insufficient sperm count. Needless to say, a low concentration of sperm in the semen is not good news for couples planning to start a family. The earlier this condition is identified, the sooner the doctors can diagnose the problem and determine the right method of treatment.

The sperm check fertility test is a very simple user friendly test-at-home kit for determining sperm count in the semen. Sperm count is a way of diagnosing a man's fertility. The accepted range of sperm count according to World Health Organization is 20 million sperm per milliliter. A positive result means the sperm count is more than 20 million. The sperm check fertility test shows negative if sperm count is less than 20 million/millilitre. In such a case, doctors will call for more tests to ascertain cause of infertility.

A home test kit works betters for most couples because of the following reasons. A visit to the clinic to test for sperm count poses a lot of embarrassment and anxiety to the couple. Moreover, sperm check fertility tests for men are quite expensive and not covered by one's insurance company. What's more, the home sperm check test kit unlike a clinical test does away with having to wait for hours to know the result.

Spermcheck fertility test reviews are all praise for this user-friendly easy to use home fertility test. The sooner the detection, the sooner the condition can be redressed. A low concentration of sperm means less chances of being able to have children. Sperm count can be raised by natural supplements for men that are commercially available. However, it is best to consult a doctor if your home test shows a negative result.

Sperm check fertility home test kits are available in drug stores and chemists over-the-counter and at reasonable rates. Clear and graphic step-by-step instructions are provided along with the ready to use kit. The results are available within half an hour and have been known to be 97% accurate.

The do-it-yourself sperm check kit contains:

  • A sealed pouch with a sperm check device
  • A sealed pouch with semen transfer device
  • Semen collection cup
  • Sperm check solution bottle
  • Sperm check fertility test for men instruction manual

Make sure to read the instructions carefully before carrying out the test. The semen is to be collected manually into the collection cup before continuing with the rest of the instructions. The fresh semen sample should be tested within three hours of collection.

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