Esophagram Test Results

Submitted by Nick on October 17, 2012

An esophagram test is used to inspect the esophagus with the help of medical imaging. This test is also called as a gastrointestinal series or barium swallow. This test is carried with the help of fluoroscopy, x-rays, and barium. The health care provider makes the individual swallow the barium with the help of water. When the barium moves down the esophageal passage, the doctor is able to map the path of esophagus. The test is usually administered on an outpatient basis, and there are very few risks associated with the test.

In certain cases, crystals that produce gas are mixed with the barium prior to the patient swallowing it. When the barium moves through your esophagus, stomach and a part of your small intestines, it is tracked with the help of a video monitor with the help of fluoroscopy and a number of x-ray pictures that are simultaneously taken in different directions and at various intervals. The esophagram results are then used to check the condition of the upper GI tract. Regular esophagram results are used to find out the condition of the throat, mouth and the esophagus.

Esophagram results are used to understand why a person displays certain symptoms such as incessant vomiting, difficulty in swallowing, a painful esophagus, and regurgitation. The esophagram report can also be useful to detect ulcers, tumors, and other problems related to the esophageal tract. Before going in for the test is important that you discuss the need to use any medications on a long-term basis and be aware of any allergies that may arise. Those planning to get pregnant or are pregnant should inform their doctor about the same. A high fiber diet should be maintained for a couple of days prior to the date the test is scheduled. An esophagram test is usually scheduled for the morning as one needs to be on a 12 hour fast. The patient is also advised not to smoke for around 12 hours prior to and after the test. The esophagram results usually take several days if they have to be sent to a laboratory.

Your health care provider might consider an endoscopy procedure instead of an esophagram. During an endoscopy, the general physical condition and structure of the esophagus is studied with the help of a camera that is inserted in the individual’s esophagus. This test helps identify certain issues that may not be seen on an x-ray.

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