Cystourethroscopy With Fulguration

Submitted by Nick on October 18, 2012

Urine is a waste product produced in the kidneys and disposed of through the process of urination. Urine contains many toxins and waste products of the body which need to be disposed off. When blood passes through the kidneys, it is filtered to remove such materials. These materials pass out of each kidney through a tube known as a ureter. The ureter transports these wastes into the urinary bladder. Here, the wastes are kept until they can be disposed off through urination. Usually, when the bladder fills up, an urge to urinate will be felt.

A cystourethroscopy is a procedure where a specialized endoscope is passed into the body through the urethra. This endoscope is extremely narrow so that it can pass through the narrow opening of the urethra. As it passes through the urethra, images are taken using the camera and light at the tip of the cystoscope. When the cystoscope reaches the bladder, it is pushed past the sphincter muscle. Here, it will be moved around to examine the insides of the bladder. Once this inspection is complete, the cystoscope will be withdrawn.

There are a few different conditions that require the use of a cystoscopy procedure. If there is an infection or any sign of infection in the bladder or urethra, a cystoscopy procedure is ordered to get to the root of the problem. The procedure may also be used to check for tumor cells in the bladder. Fulguration is the process where a strong electric current is used to destroy tissues within the body. During a medical test such as a cystoscopy, the doctor may discover a tumor which may need to be destroyed. Fulguration is therefore used to destroy the tumor. When fulguration is used with a cystoscopy, the procedure is known as cystourethroscopy with fulguration.

Cystourethroscopy with fulguration is an effective method of getting rid of tumor tissue within the urinary bladder. Initially, the test may be just a cystourethroscopy procedure. Once the tumor is discovered a cystourethroscopy with fulguration may be ordered to destroy it. Often, in the first test, a biopsy sample is collected to check for any signs of cancer. Whether the test is positive or negative a cystourethroscopy with fulguration may be ordered to remove the tumor altogether. A cystourethroscopy with fulguration procedure may be quite uncomfortable. The person may experience some pain for a couple of days after the procedure during urination. Intense pain may also be felt when the fulguration procedure is in progress.

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