Chemical Peel for Face

Submitted by Medical Health Test Team on October 17, 2012

A chemical peel procedure is a process where the top layer of skin is removed by using a chemical peel. This product is an acidic product designed to remove the top layer of skin all at once, allowing the lower layer to grow in place of the top layer. This is done in order to get rid of scars and blemishes on the skin. There are many conditions that could cause scars or blemishes to occur. These include skin conditions such as acne and other illnesses that leave marks such as chicken-pox.The face is one of the parts of the body most affected by acne and other annoying skin conditions. Even people without acne will have pimples and boils at some point in their lives. These conditions may leave marks on the skin that could be undesirable. A chemical peel for the face can be used to remove or reduce the visibility of such marks. The face is a sensitive part of the body when it comes to the skin. The face tends to be exposed to sunlight very often and is also a part that we tend to touch a lot during the day. This makes the skin on the face vulnerable to irritants and infections.

A chemical peel tends to remove the entire top layer of the skin in an attempt to remove the scars on this top surface. This leaves the skin raw and exposed to the elements. A person who has had a chemical peel procedure done on their face should try to avoid direct sunlight as the skin is extremely vulnerable to sunburn especially if it is fresh skin. If sunlight is unavoidable, a strong sunscreen can be used. Moisturizing products are also recommended for the face during the post chemical peel healing period. A person who has had a chemical peel done should also wash his or her face regularly with a soap that does not dry out the skin. This is necessary to remove any irritants and infectious materials as well as to clear off the sunscreen and other creams used. This is done so that these creams do not contribute to the burning or irritating sensation on the skin. The skin can be left alone for a few minutes after washing before the application of a fresh layer of moisturizer can be done. If the user experiences a burning sensation for more than a couple of days, a visit to a dermatologist is recommended.

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