Procedure of Cervical Biopsy

Submitted by Medical Health Test Team on October 16, 2012

The cervix is a part of the female reproductive tract and is located at the bottom of the uterus just above the vagina. It is the part of the reproductive system that is responsible for the cramps felt during menstruation. During menstruation, the uterus lining is discarded as it is not required because no successful fertilization has occurred. In order to facilitate this process, the cervix tends to open itself, allowing the lining to be shed more easily.

Cervical cancer is a form of cancer that affects this area of the female reproductive system. Cancer is a condition where abnormal cells form in or on an organ. These abnormal cells form into tumors which are likely to be aggressive, attacking healthy normal cells of the area. The tumor cells then spread across the body when the condition has reached an advanced stage. Cancer is curable if it is detected quickly and treatment is initiated at the early stage of the disease. This allows the disease to be caught before it has consumed a large part of any organ in the body. The survival rate for most cancers increases dramatically with early detection.

A cervical biopsy is a biopsy procedure where tissue samples from the cervix are collected in order to confirm whether abnormal cells in the cervix are cancerous or not. These cells are found to be abnormal during routine medical checkups that are recommended for women, particularly older women. A pap smear is one of the procedures used to check the health of the female reproductive system. Often, during examination, a colposcope would be used. This is a low intensity microscope used to examine the cells of the area more closely. It is also possible that the doctor will clean the area to highlight any abnormalities.

The cervical biopsy procedure is a short procedure that can be conducted on an outpatient basis. The patient would need to lie down with her legs in stirrups so that the vagina can be easily accessed by a doctor. The doctor would use a special tool to widen the opening for better access and visibility. When an abnormal mass is spotted, a needle or a scraping device may be used to gather tissue samples of the site. It is possible that multiple samples will be collected. This is the only painful part of the procedure. Following this, the patient can return home and, apart from experiencing mild bleeding, should not have any side effects.

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