Urine Test For Prostate Cancer

Submitted by Medical Health Test Team on November 20, 2012

Urine is one of the primary waste products in human beings. It is eliminated through the urethra which terminates in the clitoris (for women) and the penis (for men). Urine contains several waste products from the body that are filtered out by the kidneys. This process occurs throughout the day and the urine produced is stored in the urinary bladder. When the bladder becomes full, the urge to urinate is felt. The concentration of urine depends on the amount of water being consumed by an individual. A high concentration of urine is the result of insufficient water consumption and the reverse applies for low consumption of water.

The prostate gland is a male sexual organ. It is located at the top of the urethra and the bottom of the urinary bladder. During ejaculation, about 30% of the ejaculated volume is made up of an alkaline fluid that is produced by the prostate. This fluid is responsible for neutralizing the acidic nature of the woman’s vagina and is essential for the sperm to survive in the hostile environment. The prostate also contains muscles that help release the semen out of the urethra.

Cancer is a condition where abnormal cells begin to grow in or on an organ. Cancer cells are aggressive and tend to kill the normal healthy cells in the area where they are multiplying. Cancer cells form into tumors which can be seen through imaging tests or be felt under manual examination. Cancer is a progressive disease that becomes more and more dangerous as it advances. Prostate cancer is cancer that affects the prostate gland.

A urine test is the analysis conducted on a sample of urine in a laboratory. It uses a sample of this fluid from a patient and analyzes it for the various components that are present within it. This is used to detect the presence of various different substances including illegal substances. A urine test for prostate cancer is a relatively new test that can be conducted to predict the presence of cancer cells in the prostate.

This test is used to search for particular genes that tend be over expressed in people suffering from prostate cancer. This is a non-invasive, cheap and time saving test that could help avoid more complicated testing procedures. When an anomaly has been found, the patient can be tested using conventional techniques for a confirmation of the condition and to plan treatment.

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