The heart is one of the primary organs of the human body without which it is not possible to survive. The heart performs the function of pumping blood around the body which is one of the basic processes of the human body. A heart transplant is a medical procedure where an individual with a faulty heart receives a heart from a donor. Naturally, this donor is one who has passed away. The donor's heart must also be in good condition so that it can be used for the transplant. Furthermore, the donor's blood typing must be similar to the recipient's blood typing.
A heart transplant is needed when the patient's heart suffers from damage either due to injury or due to an illness that has caused the heart tissue to become damaged. The problem with a heart transplant procedure is the fact that the number of donors is far less than the number of people who need transplants. The process of transplantation therefore goes through a series of selection criteria. Younger people are often preferred over older recipients as they have a greater chance of maximizing the benefits of the procedure.
This is why the heart transplant life expectancy is important to judge whether the patient can be given a transplant or not. In general the heart transplant life expectancy is expected to be a few years after the procedure. Most patients make it past the first three years after the procedure. In many cases, the heart transplant life expectancy figures are clouded by individuals suffering from other medical conditions which may claim their lives. In any case, the heart transplant life expectancy figures show that more than 70% of recipients live for at least 5 years after they have received a transplant. The heart transplant life expectancy in children would vary as compared to adults.
Infant heart transplant life expectancy depends on how quickly the infant receives a heart. If this happens within the first few weeks of life, the life expectancy is fairly high. As the infant's immune system develops, the chances of a high infant heart transplant life expectancy reduce. There are cases where individuals live for many years without any signs of having received a heart transplant. One issue with heart transplant life expectancy data is the fact that the procedure itself is relatively modern. Therefore, a lot of transplant patients are currently living, adding to data as they continue to go about their normal lives.
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