Bilirubin is a substance produced in the liver which is one of the most complicated organs of the body. The liver performs multiple tasks during any given time of the day. One of these tasks is to break down old red blood cells. The body continuously regenerates its stock of red blood cells from the bone marrow. The old cells are removed in the liver and destroyed. When this happens, a substance known as bilirubin is produced. Bilirubin is yellowish in color. This is what gives urine its distinct yellowish tinge. When there is excessive bilirubin in the body, the patient will experience a condition known as jaundice. This will be caused either by a disease of the liver or by a blockage to the bile ducts. Bile is a digestive agent produced in the liver which passes into the digestive system. This is one way in which bilirubin is released from the liver. If there is an improper flow of bile out of the bile ducts, it may build up, leading to the development of jaundice.
A doctor can check for bilirubin in blood or for bilirubin in urine causes. In order to check for bilirubin in urine, the doctor will order a 24 hour bilirubin test. During the first day of the collection procedure for bilirubin in urine measurement, the first urination of the day is allowed to pass into the toilet. All subsequent urinations should be made into a cup for collection. On the second day, the first urination of the day should be collected in a separate cup. These samples should then be sent to a laboratory for analysis. This testing procedure will help to establish the amount of bilirubin in urine.
If a patient presents with elevated bilirubin in urine, then it could be caused by one or more problems. Blockages in the bile ducts will ensure that bilirubin can only be removed from the body in the blood and not in the digestive system. This blood is then filtered in the kidneys. Elevated bilirubin in urine may also be caused by hepatitis, which is a category if illnesses and diseases characterized by the inflammation of the liver. When the liver is inflamed, it releases much more bilirubin into the blood. There may be other substances which are released as well and these are diagnostically relevant. Further testing is almost always needed after one has reported with high bilirubin in urine.