The liver is an extremely complicated organ and one of the most critical organs of the human body. It is responsible for many different functions and has several different lobes that control these functions. The liver is one organ that cannot be replaced or assisted with any mechanical medical device. It is impossible for an individual to live with a failed liver. In rare cases, the liver can be replaced with a functioning liver from an organ donor, but such a surgery depends entirely on the availability of this type of donor organ. The liver is the organ of the body that handles detoxification which makes it vulnerable as it is exposed to many different foreign substances. When there are symptoms of liver problems, it is very important to get treatment as this may help to repair the liver without any long term damage occurring. One must therefore be aware of the abnormal liver function symptoms. See also liver function tests
The functioning of the liver is tested using a liver panel test. This is a test that covers many different components produced or discarded in the liver. These components are present in certain concentrations in the blood stream which are considered to be normal. Any variation in these values is diagnostically relevant. Another factor in irregular liver function symptoms is the presence of liver enzymes in a blood sample. This indicates that liver cells are being damaged as they are breaking apart and leaking their components into the blood stream. Read more on liver tests
One of the most obvious abnormal liver function symptoms is jaundice. Jaundice is a condition where the skin appears yellowish and the whites of the eyes appear yellowish in color. Because the liver is associated with so many different body functions, there are many other abnormal liver function symptoms that can be detected. Fecal matter is normally brown in color. If the fecal matter is excessively dark or excessively light, it may indicate a problem with the liver. Dark colored urine is also a sign of liver problems. The liver is located in the upper right hand side of the abdomen. This area may be sore, particularly if the liver is inflamed. The individual may also suffer from more generic symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, fatigue, fever and loss of appetite. These symptoms are considered to be secondary as they are useful for a confirmation of the condition rather than a diagnosis of it.