Information About Abdominal Paracentesis Procedure Note

Submitted by Nick on October 18, 2012

Ascites is a condition where fluid builds up in the peritoneal cavity. The peritoneal cavity is the cavity that is located in the abdomen and is the space between the various abdominal organs and the walls of the abdomen. Fluid buildup is caused by many different medical conditions. In some cases, the buildup is not very significant and drainage is done only for diagnostic purpose. In other situations, the fluid buildup is significant enough to warrant the use of the abdominal paracentesis procedure to allow the organs of the abdomen to begin functioning properly once again. When the quantity of fluid buildup is significant, the organs in the area may suffer from pressurization problems. The buildup of fluid in the area can cause high pressures to be exerted on the organs. This can cause complications with organs including the kidneys and the intestinal system.

Doctors use the abdominal paracentesis procedure for fluid drainage. The fluid collected during the abdominal paracentesis procedure is relevant because it contains information relating to the condition that is affecting the patient. If the condition is brought about by infection, then some of the infection may be detected in the fluid that is collected during an abdominal paracentesis procedure.

The abdominal paracentesis procedure for fluid collection can be conducted on an outpatient basis. Most patients will first be thoroughly analyzed in a clinic before the test is recommended. Doctors may use stethoscopes, ultrasound images and other diagnostic tools to determine if the abdominal cavity is filled with fluid. Only when this is confirmed is the abdominal paracentesis procedure for fluid drainage recommended.

The abdominal paracentesis procedure needle is a specialized needle used for this process. The abdominal paracentesis procedure needle is of a larger diameter than needles used during blood collection. For this reason, the abdominal paracentesis procedure needle insertion site is anesthetized before the procedure. After the needle is inserted, some fluid is drained. If the drainage is only for diagnosis, the doctor may leave a large proportion of the fluid in the cavity and only collect a small amount. When draining for therapeutic reasons, emergency medical equipment will be kept handy. This is to ensure that the patient does not suffer from any form of shock because of the sudden removal of fluid and change in pressure within the abdominal cavity. If the patient shows normal vital signs after the procedure he or she will be allowed to return home immediately.

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