Medical Health Tests Articles Genetic Testing
DNA Test For Genetic Diseases
Submitted by Medical Health Test Team on October 15, 2012
A DNA test is usually carried to establish paternity or on forensic evidence or even to uncover family trees. Another area where DNA testing plays an important role is DNA testing for genetic diseases. Genetic testing provides important information for diagnosing, treating and preventing illnesses. Genetic tests are performed by analyzing small samples of blood or baby tissue. These types of DNA tests may determine if your baby, or you or your partner carries genes for certain genetic disorders. A doctor may recommend a DNA (genetic) test for:-
- A couple who plans to start a family and there is a known history of an inherited illness. Certain people are carriers of genetic diseases although they may not show any symptoms of the disease themselves.
- A child who appears to have a medical problem that could be genetic. Genetic testing will help to identify the problem and diagnose it too.
- A family that already has one child with a severe birth defect. A DNA test will establish if the birth defect is genetic or due to another reason such as exposure to trauma, infection and so on.
- A child who has a specific genetic disease. In this case the DNA test will confirm the disease and the correct treatment will be started after the diagnosis.
- Women who fall pregnant and are over 34 years of age. They are more at risk of having a child with chromosomal problems if they are older.
- Women who have had two or more miscarriages as these may be the result of a genetic problem. A possible cause of the miscarriage could be chromosome problems.
- A woman has given birth to a still born child who shows physical signs of a genetic illness. Some genetic illnesses cause specific physical abnormalities in children.
- Confirming a diagnosis in a person who has symptoms of a genetic disease.
There are many reasons why people might choose to get tested, or even in some cases, not tested at all. It is best to approach a genetic counselor who can advise you on the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing. Although genetic testing is of great help to families there are limitations too. A negative result does not mean that you do no have a particular disorder. Similarly, a positive result does not mean that you will develop the disease you have been tested for.
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