Reason, Preparation, Procedure & Risks Involved In a C-Reactive Protein Test

Submitted on March 27, 2012

C-Reactive Protein Test (CRP)

In this test, the level of a protein that is known as C-reactive protein is measured. This protein is in your blood. This protein can measure how inflamed your body is. High level of C-reactive protein can happen because of long-term diseases or infections. However, you must remember that this test cannot show you the inflamed area or the reasons for the inflammation.

Reasons Why It is Conducted

This test is done to -
  • Check if there has been any infection after the surgery. The C-reactive protein levels go up within a few hours of the surgery and can go down after that or by the third day. In case, the protein level is still high after the third day, then it means that there might be an infection.
  • The test can find out and track diseases and infections that lead to inflammation. Some of these include inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, giant cell arthritis, lupus, osteomyelitis, and lymphoma.
  • This test is done to see if the treatment administered to the patient is working well. This is often done for cancer treatments or for infections.
  • There is a special C-reactive Protein test that is done to check the risks of getting heart disease. This test is a high-sensitive test.


Well, you don't have to prepare specially for this test. You can just ask your doctors questions that you have in mind and discuss your concerns. Also, inform him if you consume blood-thinning medicines, in case you use them.


It is a simple procedure where blood is drawn from your arm using the standard blood test methods. If done by a healthcare professional, then there isn't much you need to worry about. It feels like a routine blood test.

How Does it Feel after the Test?

You will feel a pinch when the needle goes in. You will not feel pain, just a sharp sting.

Risks Involved

There aren't any risks that you need to worry about. The area, where the needle was inserted might feel raw and bruised for a short while. Once in a while, the vein might swell up after the blood test. However, if you have clotting problems and the bleeding is not stopping, then speak to your doctor.

Should you get this test done or not?

It is believed that the C-reactive Protein test is helpful in checking those who have moderate risk of heart disease. If you are at a risk of getting heart disease because of factors like a previous heart attack, high blood pressure, obesity or family history, then you might want to consider the test. We suggest you consult a doctor to know more.