Information On Female Fertility Tests

Submitted on March 27, 2012

Fertility indicates a person’s ability to procreate. In women, the term fertility applies to the woman’s ability to produce a mature egg in her ovary. This mature egg then needs to be released at a time when the woman’s uterus lining is thick and capable of accepting a fertilized egg. For a woman to become pregnant, the egg must be fertilized by sperm from male semen while it is travelling down the fallopian tube into the uterus. When this occurs, the fertilized egg gets embedded in the uterus wall and begins to develop into a multi cellular organism that is then recognized as a fetus.

Female Fertility Testing

Female fertility tests generally test the luteinizing hormone. The level of luteinizing hormone, released by the pituitary gland gives the ovaries a signal to release a mature egg. This egg would be fertilized if sexual intercourse occurs after this period for the next few days as the egg passes through the fallopian tubes and into the uterus. An unfertilized egg along with the lining of the uterus is passed out through menstruation. Hence, in a woman with a regular 28 day cycle, the period just prior to ovulation and immediately after ovulation is considered to be the period when it is possible for her to get pregnant due to sexual intercourse. The first response fertility test for women, tests what is known as the follicle stimulating hormone. This tests the level of the hormone which is responsible for stimulating the ovaries to mature an egg which will then be released during ovulation. This test can therefore help to understand a woman’s potential fertility.

Women fertility tests can be conducted at home, using such tests that determine the levels of follicle stimulating hormone or luteinizing hormone. The luteinizing hormone test is useful to the point where it suggests if the woman is at the phase of her cycle where she can become pregnant.

Some people prefer to undertake a woman fertility test at a testing clinic where the entire range of hormones and other factors are tested. A test at a medical clinic could be used to determine the state of the uterus wall, the health of the ovaries as well as hormonal levels and a judgment can be reached by a trained doctor. Such a test would be more comprehensive, though more expensive. It may be suggested to use a home fertility test in order to try for a successful pregnancy and if this fails, then one should contact a doctor and schedule some tests.